Council #2917
If you are over 18 years of age; a citizen of the country in which you reside; a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See; and you are a Third Degree member in good standing, it’s time to consider joining the ranks of the Fourth Degree.
It was established in New York on 22 February, 1900. The requirements for joining the 4th are that a brother Knight must have been a third degree member in good standing for at least one year, be an exemplary Catholic, and be of sound citizenship of his country.
The Fourth Degree is frequently regarded as an honorary title with it’s regalia of tuxedos, capes, chapeaux and swords but should rather be thought of in terms of service to church and country, and the goals of the Fourth Degree may be summarised as the promotion of the ideals of Catholicism and Patriotism side by side.
In more detail, these goals may be stated as:
Therefore, it is not unusual to find Fourth Degree Knights participating visibly in church events, such as Eucharistic processions, and others, and in the community, standing up for the unborn and the elderly at Pro-Life events, and commemorating the sacrifices of previous generations on Remembrance Day.
Knights of the Patriotic Degree are dedicated to the personal development and continued honor of brother Knights. We are always there to offer leadership, guidance, and encouragement.
Knights of the Patriotic Degree glorify God by serving our communities and nations as though Christ were the one being served.
Knights of the Patriotic Degree hold unwaveringly to what is right and honorable, working to keep God in the civic arena, serving the life of the Church, and defending laws that recognize the sanctity of life and true religious liberty.
The Color Corps is an elective division of the Patriotic Degree that presents a visible reminder of our service to the community.