Council #2917
Star Council Award
The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service program activities. To be eligible to earn the Star Council Award, a council must qualify for the Father McGivney, Founder's, and Columbian awards.
To qualify for these awards, a council must have submitted its Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) and its Service Program Personnel Report (#365). Other eligibility requirements are:
Columbian Award
Complete and submit the Columbian Award Application (SP7) found in the Council Report Forms Booklet (#1436) or at Councils must conduct and report at least four major programs in each of the Service Program categories: Church, community, council, family, culture of life, and youth. Completed applications must reach the Supreme Council office by June 30.
In addition to meeting the traditional Columbian Award requirements - conducting at least four programs in each category - each of the six Columbian Award categories also has at least one featured program. By meeting all requirements for a featured program activity in a particular category, a council fulfills all requirements for that category. The six categories and the featured programs for each follow (program links provide more information):
• Church - The featured program for the church category highlighted is the Refund Supports Vocation Program (RSVP).
• Community - There are two featured programs, Habitat for Humanity and the Global Wheelchair Mission.
• Council - The featured program for the Council program category is Special Olympics.
• Culture of Life - A council can satisfy all requirements for the Culture of Life Activities category by participating in either the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative or a local, regional or national March for Life.
• Family - The featured program for the Family Activities category is the Knights of Columbus Food for Families program.
• Youth - Participating in the Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids program meets all requirements in the Youth Activities category.
Father McGivney Award
Father McGivney Award: Achieve membership quota. The quota for councils is 7 percent increase of the council's membership as of July 1. The minimum quota is 4 and the maximum is 35. Councils that attain Star Council status and achieve 200 percent of their net gain goal will receive the Double Star Council Award. If they achieve 300 percent of their net gain goal they will receive the Triple Star Council Award.
Founders’ Award
Achieve insurance membership quota. The quota for councils is a 2.5 percent net increase in insurance membership as of July 1 for the fraternal year. The minimum quota is 3 and the maximum of 18.
(Note: all membership and insurance transactions must be received, processed, recorded and released at the Supreme Council office by June 30.)
How does one earn the award of "Knight" or "Family of the month"? A committee, consisiting of the GK, FS and Family Director, reviews all members using the following:
01/2025: Edward & Delores Tobola
12/2024: James & Dorothy Urbanovsky
11/2024: Don & Mary Jane ChristenKNIGHT and FAMILY OF THE YEAR—the most prestigious awards that a council can give to its members. These awards are not given though, they are earned through hard work and dedication. The Knight and Family of the Year are selected from the 12 Knights and Families of the Months. It is an honor to be chosen a Knight and Family of the Month, but it is the highest honor to be chosen the Knight and Family of the Year from these 12. How are you selected as Knight or Family of the Month? You are selected by your participation in Council, parish, school, youth, Veteran's Programs, and civic. With a council that carries members from as many different parishes as we do, it is hard to know all that everyone does outside of the council. For this reason, I ask for suggestions for Knight and Family of the Month. We want to know what you are doing out there.
2023-2024:Knight of the Year - John Buck
2023-2024:Family of the Year - Bennie & Kathy Bronikowski2022-2023:Knight of the Year - Larry Tobias
2022-2023:Family of the Year - Felipe and Maria Ramirez
2021-2022:Knight of the Year - Roger Rodriguez
2021-2022:Family of the Year - Charles and Angeline Heinrich
2020-2021:Knight of the Year - Paul Heidbreder
2020-2021:Family of the Year - Bernard & Earline Okruhlik
2019-2020:Knight of the Year - Edward Okonski
2019-2020:Family of the Year - James & Dorothy Urbanovsky
2018-2019:Knight of the Year - Kenneth Bollom
2018-2019:Family of the Year - Vic & Pat Virgadamo
2017-2018:Knight of the Year - John Buck
2017-2018:Family of the Year - Benny & Kathy Bronikowski
2016-2017:Knight of the Year - Dcn. Will Hunter
2016-2017:Family of the Year - Mike & Mary Goins
2015-2016:Knight of the Year - Billy Hoffart
2015-2016:Family of the Year - Mark and Theresa Demny
Awarded to Council at April 2017 Business Meeting by the DD for meeting our state charity goal for 2016 ahead of schedule.
Presented to Council 2917 at the April 2017 business meeting by the DD